Participation Types of participation Involve’s Pathways through Participation research, with NCVO and the Institute for Volunteering Research, found that people’s…
What is Public Participation? Public participation is the engagement of individuals with the various structures and institutions of democracy, including voting, contacting a…
Facilitation Facilitation is a process of enabling groups to work cooperatively and effectively together and which emphasises the involvement of all participants…
Deliberative Public Engagement Deliberation is an approach to decision-making that allows participants to consider relevant information from multiple points of view. Deliberation…
Deliberative Systems Thinking Deliberative systems thinking is an approach to understanding and analysing democracy that is concerned with how different perspectives are…
Open Government Open government is the simple but powerful idea that governments and institutions work better for citizens when they are transparent, engaging and…
Public engagement in public policy-making Engaging the public in policy-making is an important step. If it is not done well, it can damage the reputation not only of the specific policy…